About HCM
New to the HCM Gentest of the medical small animal hospital
of the Ludwig Maximilians university in Munich was
accomplished a study to the two gene tests on HCM, available
in Germany, with Maine Coons. The result shows that the gene
test does not bring anything. The study resulted in that
Maine Coons with HCM are just as frequently positively
tested in the gene test, as Maine Coons without HCM.
Therefore the investment is not worthwhile itself into a
gene test simply. In the following one we printed the result
of the study, which was presented on the last weekend in the
context of a lecture on a specialized congress for the
animal medical profession in pouring. Genetic association of
the A31P- and A74T-Polymorphismen with the felinen
hypertrophen Kardiomyopathie with the Maine Coon C. Schinner,
K. Weber, K. Hartmann, G. Wess, Abteilung for Kardiologie of
the medical small animal hospital of the Ludwig Maximilians
university Munich introduction: The hypertrophe
Kardiomyopathie (HCM) is the most frequent feline heart
illness with autosomal dominantem hereditary course and
varying Penetranz. The A31P- and A74T-Polymorphismen (SNPs)
in the kardialen Myosin being thing protein C3-Gen (MYBPC3)
are regarded at present as causal mutations with Maine Coon
cats. In practice ultrasonic diagnoses deviate frequently
from the Genotyp. From zuechterischer as well as veterinary
side is unclear, how with heart-healthy Genotyp positive
cats will proceed are. A goal of the study were therefore
the evaluation of the clinical association of both SNPs as
well as the evaluation of the clinical validity of gene
tests already marketed. Material and methods: 83 Maine Coon
cats and 68 cats of different races entered study. Female
animals had to be older as 36 months, male older than 24
The phenotype "heart-healthy" or "HCM" had to be clear to
assign. The Phaenotypisierung took place by means of heart
ultrasonic, the Genotypisierung by means of TaqmanŽ
Genotyping Assays. Results: 21,13% of the heart-healthy
animals were positive in the gene test for the A31P- and
32.84% for the A74T-SNP. 75% of the HCM group carried the
healthy allele concerning the A31P- and 50% concerning the
A74T-SNPs. The allele frequencies did not differ between the
groups of phenotypes significantly. On the basis the
available study population no reference existed that gene
tests already marketed possess a praediktiven value. A
computer-assisted protein analysis arranged the effect of
the SNPs on the protein as benigne. The A31PPolymorphismus
is specific for Maine Coons, while the A74T-Polymorphismus
occurs also at other cat races.
Conclusions: With the examined patient number no
association was found between the HCM and the examined
Polymorphismen. That means this HCM Gentest is nonsens.
Our cats are regulary health checked by vet !
Thanks to Mrs. Rabeler from Relaxing Tigers!
News from 2010 about HCM:
The value of currently available genetic
tests is low in the cats of this study. The
analyzed appear to have a low penetrance,
and even homozygote cats can remain healthy
more informations:
HCM-genetictest-JVIM 2010.pdf